Consumer test on blueberry organized by Sant’Orsola and CNR-IBE
The Breeding Value partner Sant'Orsola, organized a successful consumer test on blueberry, providing high quality fruits, a consistent recruitment of voluntary consumers and an adequate site and logistics for test execution. CNR-IBE carried out the consumer test in Trentino, Italy, on the 27th of July 2022, recording the judgements of more than 100 participants. The staff of CNR-IBE and Sant’Orsola were in charge of explaining test execution, provide samples to be tested (in plastic glass labeled with 3-digit codes), support participants having troubles or questions during test execution (rare), check the correct execution of the test and provide additional information on the BreedingValue project activities when requested. The use of individual tablets providing test questions eased the consumer task, carried-on at a desk when eating, in front of samples at visual evaluation (separated).
A software directly randomized the samples testing order for each assessor to avoid the effects of order presentation, and automatically checked that the individual had responded to all questions. From a first analysis of data the scale 1-7 was used properly, providing sound data, useful to assess quality level and interpret consumers‘ preferences.
The consumer test was integrated with sensory profiles defined by the IBE-CNR trained panel. Sant'Orsola staff prepared, for each tested sample, an additional number of fruits which were brought to Bologna Lab. The following day, July 28 2022, a panel test was executed, providing additional scientific data on blueberry sensory attributes.