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Invenio is a French grower association, involved in the experimentation of fruits and vegetables as well as in the breeding of strawberry. The board of Invenio consists of all the parties involved in the industry from growers to wholesalers including nurseries. Invenio staff consists of 40 permanent people and it has a regional origin (Nouvelle-Aquitaine region) for the experimentation and a national and international involvement for its strawberry breeding activity. This program has originated from the Ciref grower association which merged with Invenio in June 2019. Ciref was founded in 2006, as a new version of the former association “CIREF” created in 1988 in order to continue the breeding program of INRA, the National Agronomic Research Institute, which stopped its activity at this period.

The breeding department has developed different varieties from Ciflorette in 1998 to Charlotte, Cirafine, Ciflorette, Capriss, Rubis des Jardins, and 7 other varieties, and finally Manon des Fraises in 2018. The main goal of Invenio is to propose and develop new varieties which meet the French producers’ needs. Secondly, some other selections are tested in foreign countries for evaluation and development in other cultivation conditions. Since the transfer of the breeding program of INRA in 1988, Invenio has received the National Collection of 147 cultivars and kept it in its collection. Since this time, Invenio has enriched this genetic ressource collection which is now composed of more than 300 cultivars, including F. chiloensis and F. virginiana wild species.

Invenio is also involved in the research for developping new tools in order to accelerate the process of the breeding. For this purpose, Invenio is involved in research programs on strawberry genetic to identify and use interesting molecular markers in strong connection with INRA. This strong relation with public research programs has enable Invenio to actively be partner of many regional, national and international projects such as Optima, GoodBerry or MedBerry. This strong relation explains that Invenio can provide in the relevant publications and products, participation to scientific publications and commercial strawberry varieties as well.

Main task in the project

Invenio is involved in the cultivation and phenotyping of strawberry cultivars of different types (varieties, selections, pre breeding material and genetic resources). It manages the genotyping in connection with INRA and manage the sampling and some fruit analysis in its lab. It will send samples to other participants for other kind of analysis. As part of its current breeding program, Invenio is already carrying out such cultivations, observations and analysis.

MIN de Brienne
110 Quai de paludate
BP 26

    Main Contacts

    Aurélie Petit
    Aurélie Petit