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Presentation of BreedingValue at the XIII International Vaccinium Symposium

From August 24th to 29th, the Breeding Value consortium partners will participate in the XIII International Vaccinium Symposium. The event will occur at the Dalhousie University (Halifax, Nova Scotia) and the Prince Edward Island Convention Center in Charlottetown, Canada. The symposium is organised by the Vaccinium Species and Management Working Group and the Vine and Berry Fruits Division of the International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS).

The symposium is located close to major cultivation areas for highbush and wild lowbush blueberries, cranberries, and other important horticultural crops. The symposium agenda includes a pre-conference tour of the Annapolis Valley, scientific programs, and tours of the facilities involved in cultivating, processing, packing, and shipping wild blueberries, cranberries, and strawberries. The event is open to researchers, educators, producers, and marketers in the Vaccinium industry to promote international collaboration and share the latest research advancements.

Prof. Bruno Mezzetti, Coordinator of the Breeding Value project, will be in attendance and present the project’s latest findings. Dr Susan McCallum, representing the James Hutton Institute, a key partner in the project, will also attend the event and present some of her key findings of her research carried out on blueberry.

For registration details, please visit the following link.