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NIBIO - Norsk Institutt for Biookonomi

NIBIO, Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research, is a national R&D institute under the Norwegian Ministry of Agriculture and Food, established after a merger on 1 July 2015. The basis of bioeconomy is the utilisation and management of marine and terrestrial biological resources. NIBIO aims at becoming the leading national centre for the development of knowledge within the field of bioeconomy. The goal of the institute is to contribute to food security, sustainable resource management, innovation and value creation through research and knowledge production within food, forestry and other biobased industries. NIBIO delivers research, managerial support and knowledge for use in national preparedness, as well as for businesses and the society at large. Approximately 700 employees are present in all parts of the country. The main office is located at Aass in Akershus, just outside Oslo. NIBIO encompasses a wide range of competences within natural sciences, with long traditions in field and laboratory based experimental studies. This also includes the development and application of various tools and models for management and policy support linked to agriculture and food production, environment, forestry, biotechnology, plant health and land resources. The Biotechnology and Plant Health Division, which will be the main division involved in this project, has the country’s most comprehensive competence within plant health and plant protection in agriculture and forestry. The Division has specialised in diagnostics, biology, mapping and fighting plant disease, pests and weeds. Other areas of expertise include pesticide chemistry, genetics and biotechnology, aquatic and terrestrial bioprospecting, algae and plants used for other purposes than food. Model based notifications of pest attacks and the production of climate data are a couple of the Division’s prioritised initiatives. The Biotechnology and Plant Health Division is the national reference laboratory for analysis of pesticides and pests.

Main task in the project

NIBIO heads work package 2 and is in charge of the genomic prediction on strawberry. Important tasks will be

  • to supervise all issues in WP2
  • to organise collection of phenotypic data
  • quality control of collection of samples for genotyping
  • to develop prediction models for strawberry and raspberry traits
  • to validate prediction models using cross-validation
PO Box 115
NO-1431 Ås

Main Contacts

Dr Jahn Davik
Dr Jahn Davik
Project manager, researcher
Dr Nina Elisabeth Nagy
Dr Nina Elisabeth Nagy
Project assistant, researcher