BreedingValue consortium at 3rd Annual Progress Meeting in Bordeaux
3rd Annual Progress Meeting, February 2024
BreedingValue consortium gathered for its annual progress meeting in Bordeaux, France
The BreedingValue consortium gathered for its 3rd Annual Progress Meeting from the 15th-16th February 2024. This years meeting was hosted by the BreedingValue partner institution „National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food, and the Environment“ (INRAe) at their campus in Villenave d’Ornon, close to Bordeaux, France.
In the frame of the meeting, all project partners presented their contributions to the different work packages. This was followed by a deeper discussion of the status of the project Work Packages. The members of the Scientific Advisory Board Nahla Bassil of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) - Agricultural Research Service (ARS) - National Clonal Germplasm Repository (NCGR) in Corvallis, Oregon (USA) as well as Steven J. Knapp of the University of California, Davis (USA) attended the Progress meeting providing valuable input and feedback to the project activities.
This year‘s Annual Progress Meeting was accompanied by a field demonstration visit to the research facilities of the BreedingValue partner institution INVENIO taking place on the 13th February 2024. A group of 26 American and European participants visited the research and experimentation center on fruits and vegetables in Douville in Southwestern France.
Further information about this field demonstration visit is available here:
On the 14th February 2024 the BreedingValue consortium successfully organised a Workshop on genomic tools in berry pre-breeding material and attracted more than 120 researchers and breeders from across Europe and beyond, online and in presence at the INRAe campus in Bordeaux.
The BreedingValue project invited to the workshop with the objective to establish a common basis of understanding regarding the application of the different genomic tools available and their importance in increasing the competitiveness of standard and advanced breeding programs. Representatives from the BreedingValue project shared their knowledge and their views on the genomic tools currently available and applicable to the berries breeding and biotechnology programs.
Further information about the Workshop is available:
Presentations given during the workshop are available for download: