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The Germinate Berry Database

The Germinate Berry Database is a groundbreaking online database dedicated to strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries. This comprehensive resource is designed to support researchers, breeders, and enthusiasts alike, providing a wealth of information that is crucial for advancing berry science. It offers various functionalities, including:

  • Data Visualization: Explore overviews of the data present in the database as well as rich visual representations of genotypic and phenotypic data and germplasm passport information, making it easier than ever to analyze trends and insights.
  • Data Downloadability: Easily access and download selected data sets that include genotypic characterization, phenotypic measurements, metabolomic profiles, and consumer science findings, including consumer tests and panel evaluations.
  • Comprehensive Content: Our database houses an extensive array of information that provide meaningful context for your research.

Watch the following video clips to learn more about the BreedingValue project and its berry database on Germinate.

Introduction to BreedingValue by the project coordinator
Bruno Mezzetti
Università Politecnica delle Marche
Data management and visualization: Objectives and challenges
Björn Usadel
Forschungszentrum Jülich
Germinate platform functionalities and outlook focusing on the BreedingValue berry database
Paul Shaw & Sebastian Raubach
The James Hutton Institute

The video clips were recorded during a webinar organised by the BreedingValue project on the 26th of November 2024.